Naha Walking Tours

Frequently Asked Questions

About Cancellation

When does the cancellation fee start to apply?
Please check each plan's page as the timings are different.

Making a reservation

When is the deadline of reservation?
2名様以上のご予約の場合は、前日の15時までとなります。 ※英語でガイドプラン、プライベートガイドプラン『たびあわせ』、『バリアフリー対応コース』、『紅型体験』、『団体予約』、『おひとり様即確約OKプラン』については受付期限が異なりますので、詳細は各ページをご確認ください。
Can I make a reservation just for one person?
1名様のご予約は可能ですが、通常コースの最少催行人数が2名様からとなりますので、他にご予約が入るまではリクエストとしてお預かりした上で、『スタンバイ』のステータスとなります。他の方がご予約された時点で自動的に『予約確定』のステータスへ変更されます。 ただし、リクエストでのお預かりはご希望日の3日前17時までとなり、それまでに他にご参加の方がいらっしゃらない場合は、『予約却下』となります。 おひとりさまで即確約可能なプランもございますので、宜しければご検討ください。 ※おひとりさま確約プランは、催行の21日前までの受付となります。
If I join the tour alone, how can I check the date that already has participants?
When is your regular day-off?
We are closed every Tuesday and Wednesday. If you contact us during these days, we will get back to you on the next business day.

Outfit and equipment

What kind of shoes and clothes should I wear?
Please wear shoes and clothes suitable for walking. Depending on the course, you will walk 1 to 2 hours. To avoid heat stroke, please bring your own beverage, a sun-shading hat or cap, and a towel. Rain gear is also recommended. No rental gear is available.
Can I join the tour with sandals or flipflops?
We recommend you to wear shoes suitable for walking. We do not respond to complaints or claims involving injuries resulting from your sandals or flipflops.

Participation of children

Can children participate the tour?
Children are welcome, but a parent or a guardian should accompany. Children cannot participate alone.
What age do you consider a child?
The adult rate is charged for all customer aged 12 and over. Children aged 5 to 11 will be charged the child rate. Toddlers and infants aged 4 and under are free.

About meeting place

Where is the meeting place?
The meeting places are different according to plans. (We meet on the site and the tour ends at the site.) Please check the meeting point at each plan's page.

Weather condition

Will the tour be cancelled when it rains?
Basically, the tour will be run even if it rains. However, the tour may be cancelled in case of typhoon or bad weather condition, and when weather warning is issued.

Taking pictures or video

Can we take pictures or video during the tour?
Video recording is not allowed during the tour. Taking pictures of Okinawan landscape, streets, buildings, plants and such, is possible. However, please be careful not to include other guests in your photos without their permission.